

Legislation Belgium


  • A law concerning tissues and cells exists
  • No distinction is made between the eye and the cornea, both are considered as tissues.
  • Donation of tissues and cells in deceased persons is an opting out system (presumed consent), comparable to the organ donation in Belgium: objections are registered in a nation wide computer database system.

Cornea banking:

  • Eye banks need an accreditation of the Federal agency for medicinal products (FAGG) as the competent authority.
  • Inspection of eye banks is performed by the Inspector of the FAGG, representing the competent authority.
  • The criteria are defined in the Law and in an additional guidance document of a working group on Tissues, organs and cells of the advisory council of the Ministry of Health.
  • In Belgium there is an national association of Tissue Banks. A separate national eye banking organization does not officially exist, but there is a close co-operation between the eye banks.

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