

Legislation Sweden


  • In 1996 the law was changed bringing the regulations for organ and tissue donations within one law, making no distinction between organs and tissues. Before that time Sweden was divided in sectors by organ co-ordinators.
  • Organ and tissue donation is an opting in system. It can be expressed in will, in computer data base, on a written document (donor card) or by the next of kin.

Cornea banking:

  • An accreditation/permission from competent authority for Health and Social Care Inspection (IVO) is required.
  • Every second year the tissue establishments are inspected by IVO, and if approved the permission for the establishment is prolonged.
  • National criteria are defined, following the EU regulations for tissue donation and tissue establishment management. These criteria are defined in law and statutes.
  • The national Eye Banks meet each other on regular basis.
  • A regional, but not national, tissue organization exists.

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